• DC Delivers!
    This is a fun interactive program to promote writing on our campus. Student leaders in grades 3-8 may apply and be part of our team! All staff and students are encouraged to write friendly letters to anyone on campus. This is a great communication tool and a way to foster relationships along with working on our writing skills. Students may write to any other student or staff member. They are encouraged to correspond with PACK members, teachers, staff that they have had in the past, siblings and friends. We want to all get writing and then put our letters in the large special DC mailbox in the media center. The DC Delivers crew will take it from there. We will meet twice a month on Monday afternoons to sort and deliver all of the mail to the correct location.
    We are a Character Counts campus and all rooms have character pillar "streets" as hallways. Students learn to address their letters properly and the addresses reflect our pillars of character!
    Let's get WRITING!!!!
    Communication is key!  "Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people." ~ Jim Rohn
    Want to join?  
    Students in grades 3-8 are encouraged to join our DC Delivers Crew! They need to fill out an application (acquiring a teacher and parent signature) and then return it to the advisors. The crew will gain leadership and organizational skills all while working as a community service to our school enhancing our writing program!
    Fill out an application today!  You may join at any time!