• Booster Club Rules and Expectations:

    1.   You must attend all events that you sign up for.  If you are going to be unable to attend something you have signed up for, you are responsible for finding someone to go in your place and also to notify us of the change.

    2.  You must exhibit good behavior when you are 'boosting.' We want you to have a good time, but you must remember that you have a responsibility and you are there to do a job. You are representing this club and your school.  You should not be talking extensively to friends, texting, talking on your phone, or playing around.   You must wear your Booster Club shirt at any event you are assigned.

    3.  Be on time to morning meetings and events.   Two excused absences from morning meetings are allowed. If you have a conflicting morning meeting such as NEHS,  NJHS, or Student Council, that will not count as an absence.

    4.  Follow the code of conduct outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook.  Treat fellow students and teachers with respect at all times.  Be positive and have a welcoming attitude.  Have enthusiasm and demonstrate school pride.

    5.  A student may choose to withdraw from Booster Club at anytime or a parent can choose to withdraw their student, but no refund will be given.  If a student is removed from Booster Club,  there will be no refund given.  If a student is removed from  Booster Club, they will not be eligible to be a member for the remainder of the year. The  student may be eligible to join again the next year, pending approval from the teacher advisor.