• Independent Reading

    Required minimum independent reading pages for each grade level per quarter. All novels read for class may count on the reading log.

    Students will hopefully have a broader understanding of a literary work through activities that extend not only the themes but make connections to the real world. An Independent Research Project will be assigned each quarter, these will be graded for creativity, and content.


    All reading logs are to be kept in the reading folder all year.

    The genre requirement must be complete during the school year
    (summer reading does not count)
    Genres will be tracked on the reading log Page

    You are required to read your genres as follows:

    At least 2 read by the end of 1st quarter 

    4 by the end of 2nd quarter 

    6 by the end of 3rd quarter

    The end of quarter due dates are listed above.
    Please note poetry was removed from the list, our new Language Arts program is very rich in Poetry.
    Genre Descriptions are found in the Student Reading folders.

    The 6 genres are:

    Realistic Fiction

    Science Fiction

    Historical Fiction



    Biography /Autobiography