

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Johnson

My name is Luke Johnson and I am your student's history teacher at Terramar Elementary School. I graduated from Northland Preparatory Academy in 2006 which was ranked one of the top fifty high schools in the nation at the time. I earned the Eagle Scout rank from the Boy Scouts of America and completed several different challenging courses in the United States Army including leadership and management courses while in the infantry. My education currently includes an Associates of Arts in Administration of Justice from Coconino Community College and a Bachelors from Arizona State University in Education with a focus in history. I also have had the privilege of working at Adobe Mountain Juvenile Correctional Facility and while there I learned more about adolescent management than any book could teach me. I am married to a wonderful woman and we have one daughter who now attends Terramar. I love discussing books, movies, history, sports, or anything to do about writing. 

The biggest thing I am looking for in this career is to help and serve people, which I have strived to do all my life. Knowing from an early age that I had a deep passion for two things, history and helping people I am confident that I can bring these two factors together and serve the children in my classroom. In this career field I also know that I will be challenged and no two days will be exactly the same, I look forward to things never getting stale but constantly daring myself to evolve as a better teacher. I want to look back and know that I made a difference in the lives of my students and when they think about a teacher who influenced them I want them to think of me.