

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rhoades

I am thrilled to be teaching seventh grade science at Terramar this year. This will be my ninth year at this amazing school. I am very excited about starting another year as a Titan!


I grew up in this community, attending Deer Valley schools from Kindergarten through High School, graduating from Mountain Ridge in 2003. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from ASU, graduating Summa Cum Laude from the College of Teacher Education and Leadership in 2007. I most recently graduated from Grand Canyon University with my Masters in Educational Administration and Leadership. I have seventeen years of teaching experience, in grades ranging from 4-8. I have over 10 years of experience being a departmentalized science teacher. In my teaching career, I received awards for highest student growth, excellence in instruction, and science leadership. I was also the recipient of the Arizona School Board Association’s Golden Bell Award and nominated for Teacher of the Year (I'm still waiting to hear back if I received it). I am a passionate teacher who has high expectations, loves to have fun, and believes that every child deserves my personal best every day. I look forward to building positive partnerships with each of you as we work together to make this year a great one for your child!


I am a native-born Arizonan who loves to explore her state! I come from a family of four and have one younger brother who is two years my junior. I have been married for 15 wonderful years. I met my husband in college as we were both studying to become teachers. I am the proud Momma of a 4-year-old little girl and an Auntie of three amazing nephews. I have a 20ish-year-old pet desert tortoise named Sparky. As a teacher, I am gifted with over a hundred new children to love, develop, and support each year (thank you, parents!). In my free time, I enjoy hiking, going to ruins and state parks, spending time with family and friends, eating amazing food, and laughing until my sides hurt! I also love to garden and grow lots of fruits, veggies, and herbs.