• Welcome back to the 2023-24 School Year and the Kroeger Crew ELA block! I am so excited to make connections between stories with you this year and adventure into far away lands to see what life could look like there. This year we will explore the major theme from Walt Whitman's quote "Be curious, not judgemental" through standards-based learning and our novel studies. In Scythe we examine what happens in a postmortal society when people live forever and there are no politics. In Night we will examine how the judgments of others led to 6 million European Jews being killed in the Holocaust, and in The Alchemist we will look at how curiosity can lead us to discover things about ourselves we never believed possible. I look forward to a fun year of growth and learning with you! If you have any questions, or need more information on anything in class, please email me at kristi.kroeger@dvusd.org.