• Unit 8: Data Sets & Distributions
    In this unit, students learn about populations and study variables associated with a population. They understand and use the terms “numerical data,” “categorical data,” “survey” (as noun and verb), “statistical question,” “variability,” “distribution,” and “frequency.” They make and interpret histograms, bar graphs, tables of frequencies, and box plots. They describe distributions (shown on graphical displays) using terms such as “symmetrical,” "peaks," “gaps,” and “clusters.” They work with measures of center—understanding and using the terms “mean,” “average,” and “median.” They work with measures of variability—understanding and using the terms “range,” ”mean absolute deviation” or MAD, “quartile,” and “interquartile range” or IQR. They interpret measurements of center and variability in contexts.
    - This is a nice resource that outlines strategies that we will use during this unit.
    Below are links to the student pages (pdf version) of each lesson that are in their class math binders.  Students are welcome to look at these documents at home to have more practice and/or complete the problems that were not completed in class for extra practice.  (We do not always do every problem in every lesson).  

    Unit 8 Student Pages

    Unit 8 Cool Downs

    Unit 8 Practice Problems


    Online Student Units can be viewed .



    Click  for helpful lesson instructional videos!  (These videos are from Khan Academy)


    Click  for another online resource with embedded links.  Once you open the link: Click the Unit we are in.  When the document opens, you want to use the links on the far right hand column under "Lesson Summary & 香港六合彩资料work Help".  The lesson summary videos are a teacher walking through each lesson step by step!