• Need help? Please send me a Canvas In Box message.
    or email me:  candice.roa@dvusd.org 


    A daily schedule follows below:

    1. All students must be seated in class from 12:00p-3:30p.

    • Attendance is taken within the first 10 minutes of class
    • When you walk in class, take out your composition book
    • Receive a preview of the tasks for the afternoon
    • Have an opportunity to ask questions

    2. Instructional time from 12:15 pm until 3:20 pm

    • Students will be completing assignments in Canvas after direct instruction.
    • We will take a break during class. Students are not allowed to leave the building or bring food to class. 
    • Students may only have water with them in class.

    3. Review and closure 3:20pm-3:30pm

    • Complete the exit/discussion question

    Remember, completing your assignments during instructional hours ensures that you do not have homework! 

    The pacing of course work:

    • Students will meet daily with the teacher of record as outlined above
    • Students will not be permitted to work ahead
    • New content will be available daily
    • Course work is expected to be completed that day
    • There is no homework unless the daily coursework is not met.
    • Students establish their final grade through participation and completion of all coursework
    • Student active participation is expected throughout the enrollment period beginning May 31.

    The Pathways' attendance policy:

    • Students are allowed two (2) absences
    • On the third (3rd) absence, the student is subject to withdrawal
    • Students greater than 10 minutes late to class will be charged an absence
    • Students may opt to appeal the withdrawal
      • The student will receive instructions of Appeal
      • The student will submit the Appeal information within 24 hours of receipt of Appeal instructions

    Course Description: 

    In this class, we will work on developing skills to help you as a learner and you'll be able to use these skills the rest of your life. For example, learning a good organization tool to remember due dates will help when creating a study plan

    Course Objectives: By the time the student c

    Preparing for Success (Learning styles, multiple intelligences, goal-setting, time management, self-care, and grit)
    -The Nitty-gritty (Credible sources, Note-taking, test-taking tips, active listening)
    -Career Exploration (Career terminology, occupation exploration, reality check, job shadow)
    -Final prep (Test anxiety, successful studying, testing mistakes, finals review)

    Grading:  Grades are based on a percentage of all possible points (100%-90%=A, 89%-80%=B, 79%-70%=C, 69%-60%=D, 59% and lower=F).

    • Grades are cumulative for the semester. 70% of a grade is from assessments and 30% of a grade is from coursework
    • No extra credit will be accepted.


    Report Cards: In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program (PowerSchool), district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards unless requested by individual parents. To request a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 623-376-3000. To receive your Power School login, please stop into the home school office with a valid photo ID.


    Power School Online Access: Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Power School access code.  Access codes are available in the Administration office. See your child's home school for summer office hours. You must provide picture ID to be issued a code. You may check student progress regularly on the Power School site using the same login for one or more students.  parents/guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest login capability is available. See your child's home school for details.


    Course Rules:  I have the following expectations of my classroom:

    1. Treat self and others with respect and dignity. Listen when others are speaking.  Only one person will talk at a time.  No put downs or profanity and please be considerate of others.
    2. Take responsibility for your own actions. There are consequences for both your positive and negative behavior.
    3. Be open-minded and communicate honestly. If you have a conflict with anyone, including your teacher, contact him or her quietly and privately.  Conflict does not need an audience.
    4. Be prepared to learn and participate. Bring pen/pencil to class every day.  If you bring all of your materials to class you will be on your way to being successful.  Be in your seat when the bell rings; do not pack up until I let you know that class is over.  I dismiss you, not the bell.
    5. Have pride for your campus and community. Do not use your cell phone in class (in any manner).  Clean up after yourself, do not bring food or drinks to class, and leave the classroom clean.


    Academic Assistance/Office HoursWork time will be built into the class


    Daily Device Use-iPads: Students should come to school with their iPads/Chromebooks charged and ready to use in each class every day


    Devices may not be used to record or take photos of other people without their consent.  Consequences for classroom disruptions and misuse of devices will follow a progressive discipline model, beginning with a phone call home and progressing to office referrals for repeated or more serious offenses. Students who have devices out during testing, may lose credit on their test or quiz.  See the Student Rights and Responsibilities consequence chart in the handbook for more specific descriptions of infractions and consequences.


    Academic IntegrityAs stated in the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards, students need to be college and career ready when graduating high school. To meet this standard, students will be expected to accurately and consistently cite all sources used in their work and to submit designated assignments to turnitin.com, a plagiarism detection service. If it is determined that student work is plagiarized, appropriate consequences will be enforced per school policy.


    Make-up Work and Long-Term Project Policies: The majority of assignments will be completed in class and we cover roughly 3 class period per day. Therefore, if you miss a day, you're missing 3 days of work and will have to make it up outside of class. This includes any reading we've done in class.

    Disciplinary Consequences:  If you are unable to abide by the course rules, your consequences will follow suit in a succeeding manner (verbal warning, buddy room, administrative intervention)

    Communication: Your counselors will be contacted every week with your progress in class.  

    Recommended Supplies for this Course:

    1. Blue or black pens or pencils.
    2. Stylus
    3. Spiral Notebook or Composition Book