Samuel Markel
  • Email:

    Phone: 623-445-3211


    Business (Law), B.A. 2019 Arizona State University

    Innovation and Venture Development, M.S. 2021 Arizona State University

  • Mr. Samuel Markel

    I teach five periods of Math Lab, an elective support class that freshmen take concurrently with Algebra 1-2. 2022-2023 is my first year at Barry Goldwater High School; my ninth graders' first day of high school, August 3rd, was my first day at our school as well. This year has been thrilling! I have over 100 phenomenal Math Lab students and another 25 juniors in our weekly Advisory class. 

    Prior to joining BGHS, I worked for a medical records technology company for several years. In addition, I am a contributor to multiple college-level business textbooks used in management classes all over the country.

    If you want to know more about Math Lab, send me an email!