• Communication

    The first mode of communication is Email.  I will send out a monthly newsletter, however, I do tend to communicate more often.  If you need to contact me, my Email is as follows:



    Classroom Supplies

    We are always taking supplies donations if and when you are able.  Clorox Wipes, tissues, and white board markers (students use them) will be needed throughout the school year.  I do have an , feel free to take a look.



    You should expect your student to have math homework everyday.  Assignments will be written on the board.  When homework is assigned, it is expected to be completed to the Best of the Students Ability and returned the following school day.



    **Absolutely NO STICKERS of any kind on Chromebooks**  There will be no loaner Chromebooks or charging cables this year.  Chromebooks and another technology are not to be in use unless you have been told to do so.  IF, you are using your technology (of any kind) during a time you are not supposed to, or you are using it inappropriately, it will be taken away, and will be given back at the discretion of the teacher, or at the end of the school day.  The end of the school day is at 3:20pm. 

    **Insurance for ChromeBooks is $25 and the information sheet to opt 

    in on that will be sent home as a separate form**



    3rd-12th Grades

    Students in 3rd through 12th grades will receive marks for their proficiency towards the grade level standards using the following scale. These marks are for information and do not calculate the student's overall course grade.

    4 = Highly Proficient

    3 = Proficient

    2 = Partially Proficient

    1 = Minimally Proficient

     Students in 3rd through 12th grades will receive marks for their overall performance in each course of study using the following letter grade scale. Overall course grades for students in grades 3-12 will be calculated from the average of the student’s assignment scores* (assessments, coursework). 

    A =  90-100% 

    B =  80-89%

    C =  70-79%

    D =  60-69%

    F =   0-59%

    Grades of “D” and above are passing marks.  A course grade of “F” indicates that the student has failed the course. 

    *For graded work in the Assessment Category, teachers will enter the proficiency marks for each standard measured and use the following guide to assign a score to the assignment.  Parents will see the percentage score for each grade book entry with the letter grade mark on the front page of the PowerSchool parent portal. 

    Grading Guide




    Our gradebook program PowerSchools is an important part of your child’s education. Gone are the days where you have to wait to see your student’s progress.  Each week your student should go over their progress with you.  We usually update grades over the weekend so early in the week is a good time.  We count on your reviewing their progress so there are no misunderstandings when the final grade is posted.  You will have your own login and can get weekly notifications.  If you do not know your login, the front office can provide it. 623 3673700.  We can also help with navigation of the site.


    “No one has the right to interfere with the safety & learning of others”