• Welcome to 3rd Grade!

    What will you DISCOVER this year?

    Together you will be learning, exploring, and thinking with Mrs. Williams.

    Explore our class website and have fun!
    Our Daily Schedule:
    8:45-10:15 Reader's Workshop
    10:15-11:45 Math Workshop
    11:55-12:05 Recess
    12:05-12:30 Lunch
    12:30-1:15 Specials
    1:15-1:30 WIN
    1:30-2:00 Writing
    2:00-2:45 Science
    2:45-3:00 Academic Break
    3:00-3:30 Social Studies
    3:30 Dismissal

    Please e-mail me if you have any questions or ideas for our class.
    • Contact Information

      Mrs. Judi Williams


      Classroom Number: 623-376-375

      Front Office: 623-376-3700

      Attendance Line:  623-376-3790

      The best form of communication is email or Class Dojo.