

Degrees and Certifications:

Masters in Health, Communication and Marketing and highly qualified in Biology and Health

Mrs. Jill Milnor

Welcome to Biology!  I am originally from the coast of Oregon and was raised fishing, hiking and participating in sports.  I have a Masters in Health, Communication and Marketing from Oregon State University, with Bachelor Degrees in Health and Communication.  After teaching for five years in Oregon, I met my husband, got married and moved to San Jose, California.  For a different challenge, I decided to teach health and dance at an inner city school.  We lived in California for five years and then moved to Washington D.C.  After two years in D.C., we moved to Copenhagen, Denmark.  I taught part-time within the PE department for five years and spent most of my time raising our four children.  Our journey then led us to Arizona, where I spent two years jumping through hoops to become highly qualified in Biology and Health.  This is my eighth year teaching Biology at Boulder Creek.  I am also the head Cheerleading Coach at Arizona Christian University.

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