•  the Weekly | 8.24


  • For Your Hands: Toolbox Tip of the Week

    Making Breakout Rooms More Effective: Teachers "should monitor the groups’ progress by joining different breakout rooms periodically…not for a few seconds but to ask each person in the room a question about what work is being discussed. You do not need to join every room, every time but students should know this is a possibility."

  • For Your Head: Embrace Vulnerability (from 5 Strategies for Teacher Self-Care by Jon Harper)

    "Vulnerability is one of those things that sounds easier than it actually is. It can be particularly difficult for stressed teachers, already with their guards up against physical and emotional harm, to be vulnerable. Yet, embracing vulnerability may be just the thing to help teachers feel better. As Brene' Brown wrote in The Gifts of Imperfection, 'We have to own our story and share it with someone who has earned the right to hear it, someone whom we can count on to respond with compassion' (p. 9).

    "Four years ago, I began a podcast called . My guests are educators who come on to share one big mistake they made during their career in education. These educators' stories are powerful, brave, and reaffirming. Yes, listeners learn from hearing others' mistakes. More than anything though, they learn that they are not alone—and they give themselves a little grace."

  • For Your Heart: Life Without Teachers