Pexels Dinosaur Pictures-Free Stock

For All of My Students Who Love Learning About the Dinosaurs:

  • Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s): 

    There are a lot of resources out there for your child to fill his/her wonder about dinosaurs.  I have found that books, music and art are a wonderful way to develop speech and language skills.  The important key to enticing your preschooler to develop communication skills is through play and what he/she is most interested in learning about. 

    Learning the names of dinosaurs will help a child who is working on correct production of multi-syllable words, learning new vocabulary and/or making comments about objects.  Gross motor movements like dancing, hopscotch-like activities can be used to work on learning how to follow directions, work on production of target sounds in speech and/or working on requesting another song that was fun.  Pictures in books and videos can be conversational starters, responding to "who, what, where, which" questions, making comments about shape, size, number, color, position of the objects or characters in the pictures; as well as, continually building vocabulary.

    I have included links for YouTube songs, online websites with dinosaur activities and resources for books.  I would like to point out that one of the best places to get books is your local library.  It's free and a wonderful outing for you and your child.  Many local libraries offer summer reading programs, storytimes and your child gets to experience choosing and checking out books from the library.

    Most importantly, have fun learning with your child!

    I miss you all so much and look forward to when we can all be back together in person.


    Mrs. Jo