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    Love and Logic - Our classroom behavior policy

    Parents and guardians,

    Check it out! We are a Love and Logic trained campus and classroom. Click on the  below, read articles, purchase books, get books from your local library, find out what it's all about. As a parent, I can relate to wanting to rescue my children at every turn...however...knowing that allowing them to pay the small prices now, so they won't get into big trouble later...helps.

    A great read:

    We are helping kids develop independence, self confidence and the "I can do it," positive attitude! Love and Logic also encourages children to be responsible. For example, in our class, the students know they are responsible for keeping their library books in their backpacks away from water, and that their responsibility charts stay in their folders all week. They have been trained to copy the agenda into their personal agendas, so they know the homework expectations for each night. Please join us as we teach our kids that we believe in them, and their ability to be responsible and accountable citizens. 
Last Modified on August 2, 2020