

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Sprague

I love people, else I would not be a teacher. I cannot think of anything I would rather do than teach. I will show you by my actions that I am interested in you. I will let you talk when you have something to tell everyone and I will hush you up if you take advantage of others' speaking time. I will not regard myself as the final word, but I will insist that my viewpoints be heard just as I will insist you express yourself. I hope we will come to love each other and remain friends. 
I will respect you as people as I want to be respected as a person. I will expect you to obey your parents and be honest with them no matter what; remember they love you and are working for your good. I would ask you to be respectful of ALL adults at the school as they care about you and want to see you succeed! I would ask you to be respectful to Mrs. Kumar, Mrs. Humphryes and Mrs Christensen, Mrs Palermo and Mrs. Caraway,  as they are not only my teammates but my friends. I expect you to be respectful of each other. I also insist you are overly kind and respectful of any guest teacher we may have helping Team Awesome.
I want you to trust me and know that I am a reasonable person who will listen carefully to your thoughts and feelings. I will even listen to complaints and advice if you can give them politely and patiently. I will work hard, as I expect you to work hard. I will try to get you excited about what we are learning. I want you to realize though, that I am very human and will make mistakes and become less than your perfect teacher; let us have patience with one another. It is not that we are equal after all, I was chosen to teach, but it is that EVERY ONE of us has something to contribute!!
I hope that we will be such a unit that it will pain us to leave each other. I will use every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week we are together and I expect you to do the same! All in all, I hope that after our year is done we will all be kinder, smarter, more joyful people. I hope that we will have had so much fun and learned so much that we will have raised ourselves from where we were when we first met.
Mrs. Julie D. Sprague



Last Modified on July 30, 2022