• Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!  Our Kindergartners will be working on:  1.  Being independent, 2.  Communicating (with their teacher, school staff, and classmates), 3.  Following Directions (identifying and accepting that the teacher is their leader), and 4. Being Kind (to each other, their teacher, other students at school, parents, and school staff).

    Our Schedule

    8:00-8:15 Breakfast

    8:15-9:15 Math

    9:15-9:30 Recess

    9:30-10:15 Reading

    10:15-10:45 Reading Groups

    10:45-11:00 Read-Aloud

    11:00-11:30 Lunch

    11:30-11:45 Recess

    11:45-12:10 Science/Social Studies

    12:10-12:45 Writing

    12:45-1:30 Specials

    1:30 Snack Time

    1:30-1:45 Snack/Science/Social Studies

    1:45-2:15 MTSS

    2:15-2:45 Math Groups

    2:45-2:55 SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)

    2:55 Dismissal (Early Release @ 1:25)


    Go Lions!

Mrs. Dallas