• Students are expected to follow the following rules:

    Respect Yourself

    Respect Each Other

    Respect Technology

    Respect the Teacher





    What's Happening in Math?



    Hello Scorpion Families,


    This week in Math we are continuing with our unit in inequalities.We have AASA testing this week and next. Please ensure your students are here on testing days and not picked up early. We also have full Fridays in April, so no early release except on April 26th.

    Here is our schedule for the next two weeks:


    04/08/2024 - Unit 7, Lesson 10

    04/09/2024 - AASA Reading Part 1

    04/10/2024 - AASA Reading Part 2

    04/11/2024 - Unit 7, Lesson 11

    04/12/2024 - Unit 7, Lesson 12

    04/15/2024 - Practice AASA Math Test

    04/16/2024 - AASA Math Part 1 

    04/17/2024 - AASA Math Part 2 

    04/18/2024 - Unit 7, Lesson 13

    04/19/2024 - Unit 7, Lesson 14