• Hello, everybody!

    As a part of the Special Education Team, my 'Virtual Office Hours' will be from 1:00pm-2:00pm every Monday through Thursday starting on April 6, 2020. During this time, you may use the link, Meeting ID and password emailed to you to join me via the ZOOM app (which you will need to download to a phone, iPad, laptop, etc. and create an account for) to ask questions, discuss the upcoming weeks, etc. If you did not receive an email, please contact me to set up a meeting date and time so that I can help! (My email: andrea.sweeney@dvusd.org) 

    Please know that the Speech Therapists (and likely Occupational Therapists) from our campus will have their 'Virtual Office Hours' at the same time, so feel free to find their staff website page and ZOOM with them as well. In my experience, ZOOM has worked best using Google Chrome, but feel free to use whatever works!

    If you should need additional time/support, please contact me via email to set up another time for us to discuss things at length or discuss things that pertain to your child specifically. Most importantly, please know that I am here for you in any way that I can be. :)

    Miss Sweeney

    Zoom Website
    Use this link to get started on creating an account and learning to use the video chat!