• Ready to Apply? 

    Follow the steps below:

    (1) Go to the the Early Childhood website link HERE. which gives you the directions on how to enroll your child in the program inlcuding who to contact and the forms to fill out. 

    *You will need to send a $25 registration fee to the Early Childhood office*

    If you have any questions, we would love to talk with you!  You can send us an email at analisa.ramos@dvusd.org AND/OR jennifer.castle@dvusd.org, and we can either talk through email, over the phone, or set up a Zoom to answer your questions.

    (2) Before your child can start, you must register for the Tuition Payment System. Follow the steps . Note that this is a two step process. The first step is setting up a profile and then letting me know you have done so. Second, the Early Childhood Office will assign the school and the tuition. Third, you will log back in to pay tuition. Children are not allowed to start until monthly tuition is paid in full. If your child starts mid-month, your tuition will be pro-rated.

    Looking forward to having your child as a Typical Peer in our Developmental Preschool Program!