• We are the CAN DO COYOTES and we work to H.O.W.L!!!

    In all you do, everywhere you go, with everyone you meet, BE 







    Respect for teachers, administrators, parents, classmates and education comes first. Disrespectful and/or disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated. In order to optimize educational opportunities, it is important that our students conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to a productive, safe learning environment.  Our classroom rules are simple in order to keep learning at the forefront of all we do and to align with our H.O.W.L campus rules.

    Main Expectation: No one has the right to interfere with another's learning, safety, or well-being. 

    Redirection steps and consequences to breaking the classroom rules are as follows:
    Step 1:  redirect by teacher
    Step 2:  redirect by teacher, student reflection form filled out at lunch reflection form sent home for parents'signature
    Step 3:  redirect by teacher, after school detention issued, parent notified, student reflection completed
    Step 4:  student conference with Administration. Other consequences may follow