Coach Keppner

Welcome Parents!

  • Welcome Parents!

    Click on the following components to learn about the DVOLP program, watch my cool video about me, and to sign up for a parent Canvas account.

     To  familiarize yourself with DVOLP

     (look in the upper right - you will need your child's login info


    • I will not be using email for communication as Canvas will handle how you want to receive your info
      • If you like email - you can have Canvas email you
      • If you like text - you can have Canvas text you
      • If you like smartphone or table apps - you can have an app inform you
      • If you like both - you can have it do both.
      • Once you have your Canvas account - just set your notifications
    • FYI my Canvas app will inform me and my text will inform me if you message me so I can best assist you as quickly as I can.  I am sending this email to get you to the system and would appreciate you using only the system once the course starts.

    I will see you soon....