Office Hours & Contacting Us

  • The office is open from 7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
    Office staff may be reached at (623) 445-4100. We also have 2 computers, with Internet access, and a printer for our families to use located right in the front office.
    Regular student school hours are 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
    1. Students may not be on campus until 8:30 AM. 
    2. Likewise, the expectation for all students is that they leave at 3:30 PM. If you need to pick up your child for an appointment prior to 3:00 PM, please come to the office and we will call your child from the classroom prior to 3:00 PM.
    3. There will be NO early dismissal after 3:00 PM. Tardies and early dismissals have created a disruption to the classroom learning environment.

    Thank you for supporting the elimination of disruptions to the learning environment.

     ATTENDANCE LINE: (623) 445-4190