

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lauren TIEDEMAN

This will be my 10th year teaching in the Deer Valley Unified School District. I have taught art for eight of those years and two as a first grade teacher. I am looking forward to a wonderful year at Copper Creek!
My Teaching Philosophy
I intend to instill and illuminate a passion for learning and personal discovery in all of my students. I can accomplish this by approaching education through collaborative and creative methods that engage, support, nurture and challenge all who enter the classroom.
I will encourage and assist students in reaching their full potential and utilizing each individual’s extraordinary talents.
As a teacher, I will aid my students in exceeding the expectations of the curriculum, as well as creating an environment that encourages excitement around learning, community and a sense of personal pride.
I will foster a classroom where respect and kindness are of high value.
It is imperative that all students, parents and educators are involved and openly communicate with one another to achieve this lasting partnership; one that actively and productively pursues academic success and individual happiness.
I look forward to inspiring creativity and fueling students’ curiosity through exciting personal discovery, inquiry, and academic exploration. 

I sincerely aim to provide an exemplary educational experience for students where their classroom is the highlight of their day and where they may share their findings around the dinner table; creating a life- long learner. 
Outside of the Classroom
I enjoy photography, painting, gardening, camping, and travel. Most of all, I love curling up with a cup of coffee, reading an enticing book and spending quality time with my husband and kids.
Piper + Olivia
Mr. + Mrs. Tiedeman