
    Title 1 with apple logo


    Barry Goldwater High School is a Title 1 school.  We receive Title 1 funding based on our free and reduced lunch percentages.  We have a schoolwide program which means that our Title 1 plan serves all children in our school.  These funds can be used to help us identify students that may have academic, behavior or social emotional difficulties so we can provide timely assistance.  Each year we complete a comprehensive needs assessment that includes a variety of data sources to determine our school goals, action steps, and allocation of resources.  

    Examples of our resources include:

    • Title 1 School Social Worker
    • Response to Intervention Academic Specialist
    • Response to Intervention Behavior Specialist
    • Parent Liaison
    • Bulldog Boost After School Tutoring
    • Intervention Programs for Math and Reading
    • Teacher Professional Development
    • PBIS Rewards/Referral Program
    • Ripple Effects 
    • Instructional Coaches to support teachers
    • Instructional Assistant to support teachers

    Goals for 2024-2025 School Year