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Student Council

Mission: To initiate, implement, and complete projects and activities that will be of help to the school, the students, the faculty, the administration, and the community. To develop and provide opportunities for leadership and service in the local school and in the community.

Objectives: Keeping classes informed of Student Council activities.
Working as a team to develop and implement projects to better the school and the community.
Being a leader! Being a role model! Showing others what it means to be WISE!

Goals: Promote Citizenship
Promote Scholarship
Promote Leadership
Promote Human Relations
Promote Cultural Values

Meeting Dates:
September 7: Officers-only council meeting (1st meeting of newly elected officers)
September 21: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
October 5: Officers-only council meeting
October 19: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
November 9: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
November 30: Officers-only council meeting
December 7: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
January 11: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
January 25: Officers-only council meeting
February 1: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
February 15: Officers-only council meeting
March 6: Student Advisory Council Summit @BGHS (officers & Sylvester)
March 7: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
March 21: Officers-only council meeting
April 11: Meeting for all student council members (officers & representatives)
April 25: Officers-only council meeting
student council members (officers & representatives). 
For more information contact: