• Mr. Harder's 5th Grade Class

    I want to welcome you and your student to my webpage and my classroom.  I'm Mr. (Wes) Harder, and I'm so excited to be back at Norterra Canyon for my eighth year !!



             wharder   wes

    An important update as of 7-19-2023 : 

    Some things to know:

    • Our first assignment is simple: I call it “Bio in a Bag”, and it involves each student bringing to class 3 objects that they can show to everyone. Each object should help tell us a little about who they are, and the objects can be in any kind of bag (paper, plastic, etc.).

    Students typically bring things like baseballs, playing cards, toys, and family photos, and they usually enjoy the process of talking about these items immensely !!!

    • The first few weeks of the school year are always a little crazy…please bear with us !! 
    • The first 3 days (July 31st - August 2nd) will be primarily taken up with getting to know each other, going over classroom procedures and expectations, getting gear situated, and presenting the Bio in a Bag assignments.
    • I’m excited to focus primarily on social studies and science. They are both subjects I have taught before, and are my 2 favorite subjects to teach...but I've never been able to focus on just these two !  :)
    • I am still updating my webpage. If you’re on it and you get the feeling the info is outdated, please be patient.
    • The main way to communicate with me is email (at wesley.harder@dvusd.org)
    • As in years past, I am committed to creating a dynamic and interactive classroom, and I work to keep families consistently informed through various means (like weekly updates via emails, my “snapshot” of assignments, and keeping my webpage current.
    • I am also the athletic director at Norterra Canyon…so you can contact me regarding athletics questions for any 5-8th grader you have at NC.

    Thanks !!!!

    Mr. Harder