• Our goals for all students are to have fun, work hard and learn!!

      PE Expectations for K-5th GradesBe PE STARS

      S - Stay safe;

      T - Try your best and encourage others;

      A - Always follow the rules;

      R - Respect others and equipment; and,

      S - Sportsmanship at all times.


      IBMYP 6th-8th Expectations & Rules for PER.E.S.P.E.C.T.

       R - Right to learn

       E - Effort

       S - Safety

       P - Purpose

       E - Enthusiasm

       C - Challenge

       T - Trust/Team Building


      Additional expectations for all K-8th PE students:

      • Students are required to wear appropriate attire for PE activities. This includes both appropriate clothing and Athletic Shoes
        • Athletic Shoes: completely cover both heel & toe, have a non-slip, level bottom, and fasten to foot with laces, straps, or elastic (i.e. slip on shoes, like Vans or similar).
        • As I will share with students, Crocs/slides/flip-flops do NOT meet these criteria. 
        • If students fail to wear Athletic Shoes, they may not be able to participate it activities. Multiple occurrences will result in a parent contact, and may affect the student's grade.
      • Students may be required to complete work when they miss PE class for an absence.
      • Students who are unable to participate in assigned physical activity in class may be required to do an alternative assignment. Students may also be required to make up missed physical activities.
      • Students are required to participate in all activities both inside the gym, as well as out on the field/courts to the best of their ability.
      • Students are required to treat all school personnel, other students and visitors with respect.
      • Students are required to come to class with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and ready to have fun.