• 8th Grade Language Arts and Adv Language Arts

    STUDENT HANDBOOK: Student Rights Wksht
    My contact information/email:
    Canvas Link for assignments:  /canvas 
    Eighth Grade Language Arts will focus on the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards which may be found at:  
    We will work toward mastery of Reading comprehension and analysis using a combination of literature (45%) and non-fiction (55%) texts. In addition, we will improve the complexity of writing skills as well as speaking and listening communication skills.
    In the Advanced Language Arts,  mastery of these skills will be our primary focus, applying increased academic rigor in our literature and non-fiction studies, while polishing and deepening written and verbal communication skills.
    Recommended Supplies:
    We will utilize inter-active student notebooks, which require a spiral notebook designated for this class only. The simple 70-page spiral will work well. 
    Other necessary items will be:
    *Colored highlighters
    *Writing instrument - pencils are best
    *Glue stick(s)
    Important Information:
    Smarter Balanced Practice Test: 
    Answer Key: