  • Welcome all Desert Sky Parents, Students, and Faculty! 

        My name is Mr. Fisher and I am so glad to be able to welcome you to the new school year as your 7th Grade math teacher! This year will cover topics ranging from arithmetic using negative numbers, fractions, and decimals to geometry, probability, statistics, and more. 

    The majority of information regarding class assignments, due dates, and worksheets can be found on Canvas. This will be your primary resource for checking on missing assignments and class notes. 

    All class grade information will be updated on Powerschools. Please keep in mind that some assignments graded on Canvas may not be included in the gradebook on Powerschools. For all current and up-to-date information on class performance and attendance, please refer to the Powerschools gradebook. 

    Also, feel free to email me anytime at for questions and concerns or to schedule a meeting. If you or your student have any issues with given scores on a test or assignment, missing grades, or to ask me to double check late work, I will make sure to respond to any needs within 24 hours. Keep in mind - Weekends and Holidays may take more time.

    For anything more urgent, my class phone number is (602) 467 - 6573.

    I am so excited to work with you all this year!

    - Patrick Fisher