

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lankford


This school year is my 8th year as a teacher. I graduated from ASU with my degree in Special Education and Early Childhood. This is my first year here at Arrowhead. I love this school and the students I have the pleasure of meeting. Over the years, I have taught 6th-8th grade, but this year I get to focus on just 6th grade. This age group is my favorite because they always keep me on my toes and laughing. I enjoy doing many hands-on projects with the students and social skill games/ activities to keep the students actively engaged throughout the day. In the classroom, we focus on filling in some of those academic gaps, classwork support, behavior choices and coping strategies with the goal of having our students ready to be successful inside and outside of the classroom environment.

When I am not teaching, I am hanging out with my husband and my 6-year-old son. I also enjoy painting, reading, and playing Roller Derby for AZDD.


"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." -Malala Yousafzai