• All Things EQ!
    We have this amazing social-emotional program for our students at West Wing called
    Click on the link to see more...   

    Behavior Philosophy West Wing:

    At West Wing School, we prioritize respect, compassion, integrity, and celebration. We believe in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive and reach their full potential. Our campus will utilize behavior interventions and restorative practices instead of traditional discipline, when appropriate, to foster growth, and understanding and to protect the learning environment for all students. Thank you for being a part of our positive behavior community!

    Love and Logic:
    I believe that Kindergarten is a place where children should be able to make mistakes and learn from them through logical consequences. This year I will be implementing Love and Logic into my room, where students will see modeling and support when it comes to learning how to make good choices. I know they do not ever intend to make "bad" choices; they just need more practice and support making good ones. By using Love and Logic, I will provide my students with choices instead of trying to control their behavior and making the choices for them.
    In our classroom we will have three rules: take care of yourself, take care of your friends, take care of your classroom. If one of those rules is broken, we can:
    1. Take a Break: in my classroom there is a "Take a Break" chair where a student can go and take some cooling breaths. Sometimes we just need to remove ourselves from a situation to calm down. While in this chair, they can use the sequence wall to help them regulate themselves or just simply take some deep breaths. If they need other tools to help them (such as sensory toys), I have those available as well.
    2. You break it, You Fix it: this motto can be used for a lot of things in the classroom. If you say something hurtful to your friend, you need to fix it. If you break your friend's crayon, you need to fix it. This is where my modeling and choices come in. With practice, I will be able to use empathy to talk to my students and find out what they did and how we can fix it. I will allow them time to come up with a solution on their own, but if they cannot, I will provide ideas or choices about how they can make it better.
    3. Loss of Privileges: sometimes our actions might be more serious than others. In this case, students might lose recess or playtime to help clean up a mess or to reflect on their behavior. This is not one I try to use as they need their playtime; however, in certain circumstances it may be necessary. 
    Parents will be made aware of behaviors if they continue throughout the day. However, small mistakes we are hoping to work on at school and, therefore, you will not always be made aware.  Every day is a new day and we start fresh!