Phone: 623-445-5522


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Speech and Hearing Sciences MS in Communicative Disorders Certificate of Clinical Competence, ASHA

Ann Leach. M.A., CCC-SLP

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in Texas and Southern California. I went to the University of Arizona for my undergrad and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences. For my master's program, I attended San Diego State University and received a Master of Arts degree in Communicative Disorders in 2004. After graduating from SDSU, I began working in a rehabilitation hospital with adults who had suffered from such things as strokes, brain injuries, or brain cancer. I worked there for 9 years before deciding to make the transition to schools. My first year was in the Dysart Unified School District but then I transitioned to 香港六合彩资料 and have been in this district ever since. I have been working at Las Brisas since 2015. I feel like I have found my 'home' and have really enjoyed the family I have made there. 

I have been married to my husband, Troy, since 2007. We have two daughters, one who will be attending Hillcrest Middle school, and the younger one attends Legend Springs Elementary. We enjoy being outside together, whether we are hiking, riding our bikes, or paddleboarding. We also really enjoy traveling together and now that our whole family is scuba certified, we look forward to many new adventures together under water.