

Degrees and Certifications:

Masters in Educational Leadership, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Certifications/Endorsements: Early Childhood, Middle School Social Studies and Language Arts, SEI, Gifted, and Principal certification

Mrs. Marklund

I am thrilled to be part of Legend Springs Staff.  My career consists of teaching first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. I hold an Elementary K-8 teaching certificate, as well as a Principal certificate. I also have the following endorsements: SEI, Gifted, Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies, and Early Childhood.  When I am not teaching, I enjoy walking, hiking, trying new restaurants, and seeing movies with my family and friends. I am looking forward to another amazing school year. 



Hobby - movies

Food - Mexican & Sushi

Fast Food - Salad and Go

Restaurants - Wildflower, Mochilero, PF Changs

Drink - Starbucks (skinny latte, salted caramel cold-brew)

Candy Bar- Snickers

Color - yellow

Scent - grapefruit, citrus

Essential Oil - peppermint

Sports - ice-skating, Cardinals, Suns

Shopping - Amazon & Target