Phone: 623-376-4153


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Porter

My name is Mr. Porter...
I am thrilled to be teaching Third Grade this year!
I am originally from a small town in upstate New York in the finger lakes region.
I earned my Masters Degree from Nazareth College in 2013 and moved to Phoenix in to begin teaching in the fall of 2015.
What are some things that Mr. Porter loves?
1) My Family:
They taught me to value kindness, empathy, ingenuity, and contributing to the community. I love them with all of my heart and they mean the world to me.
2) Education: 
I consistently try to improve my knowledge and develop as a learner. My goal is that my love of learning is something I pass on to my amazing students each year!
3) Music: I love music!
I play a few instruments (guitar, banjo, cajon, ukulele) and they are my go-to whenever I feel stressed or need to relax.
4) Outdoors: 
I try to take any chance I can to explore the phenomenal world that we live in. Whether it is hiking, cycling, swimming, or a picnic in the park; I love to be there. I sometimes miss my snowy New York winters, but I am extremely excited to be living in a state with so many beautiful natural wonders!
Here are some of my favorites
do any of your favorites match?
Food: Sandwiches
Drinks: Apple juice
Cookie: Oreos
Dessert: Carrot cake
Board Games: Settlers of Catan and Uno
Animal: Raccoons and my 2 dogs (Loki and Bella)
Color: Green -->The color of the outdoors, photosynthesis, and growth!