• Want to find a book in our collection?library tips
    Non-fiction: books that are about real things - animals, countries, space, etc.
    Fiction (FIC): books that are made up by the author
    Everybody (E): books that everyone can enjoy
    Everybody non-fiction (E): generally, non-fiction books for grades K-3
    Beginning Chapter (BC): fiction books for grades 1-3
    Reference (REF): books that are not allowed to be checked out but may be used in the LMC for research

    Every book in the LMC will have a spine label located on the book's spine, easily visible when on the shelf. It contains the book's call number. This is the book's "address." This address will identify to the reader what type of book it is and where on the shelf it belongs relative to the other books. Using a shelf marker is very important to keep books shelved properly so that other students may find them.
    Non-Fiction Organization
    Non-fiction books are organized using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). This system was developed by Melvil Dewey, one the greatest librarians of all time. He used 10 numerical categories to organize books by their subject matter. This graph of a caveman considering himself and the world around him makes remembering the Dewey system a little easier. While the number identifies the category, the first 3 letters of the author's last name are also used for further classification.

    "Believe It Or Not: Space Facts" by David Baker - 501 BAK
    "Cats That Roar" by Kimberly Weinberger - E 599.75 WEI (Everybody Non-fiction)
    "Arizona the Beautiful" by Herb McLaughlin - REF 917.91 MCL (Reference)

    Fiction Organization
    Fiction is organized by using the first 3 letters of the author's last name.

    "The Giver" by Lois Lowry - FIC LOW (Fiction)
    "The Hat" by Jan Brett - E BRE (Everybody)
    "Afternoon in the Amazon" by Mary Pope Osborne - BC OSB (Beginning Chapter)
    Reference Materials
    Reference materials include encyclopedias, dictionaries, multi-volume sets and research related books. They are organized using the Dewey Decimal Classification system and will have REF before the number. Reference materials are located in a special area of the LMC. They may not be checked out but may be used for research within the LMC.
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    How do I find books with my Lexile Measure?

    If your library uses the Lexile Framework® for Reading, and you know your Lexile Measure, you can search for books that are not too easy or too hard for you to read.

    1.     Select Lexile from the list next to Reading Programs.

    2.     Next to Lexile Measure, enter your Lexile range in the From and to boxes. 
    For example, if your Lexile Measure is 400, enter 300 in the From box, and 450 in the to box. 
    If you only want books that are exactly 400 Lexiles, enter 400 in both boxes.

    3.     If you would like to find books that have a particular Lexile Code, choose the code from the list
    You can search for books that match a measure (or range of measures), or a code, or both.

    4.     If you want to find a book by keyword, about a particular subject, or by a certain author, enter the word in the Find box.

    5.     Click a search button: 
    If you didn't enter anything in the Find box, or you entered a keyword, click Keyword
    If you entered a title word in the Find box, click Title
    If you entered an author's name in the Find box, click Author
    If you entered a subject word in the Find box, click Subject
    If you entered a series' word in the Find box, click Series.

    Example If you want to find a book within a Lexile Measure range of 700 to 800 written by Beverly Cleary, enter 700 in the From box, 800 in the to box, and cleary in the Find box. Then, click Author.