

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Yao

    Let the will be set on the path of duty.
    Let every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped.
    Let perfect virtue be accorded with.
    Let relaxation and enjoyment be found in the polite arts.

                    --Analects of Confucius, 7:6       


My name is Lai Yao. My students call me Yao Laoshi, literally meaning Teacher Yao in English.

I come from Kunming City in China. It is a beautiful tourist city in the southwest, famous for its perfect weather, rich nature resources and colorful culture of 26 ethnic minorities. During World War II, the American Air Force, the Flying Tiger Team, protected this city from bombing by Japanese invaders. The flying tiger then became a symbol of eternal friendship between Kunming residents and Americans. English words such as ‘corner’, ‘go’,  ‘double’ and ‘nice ’have also merged into local dialect vocabulary.

With more than fifteen years of teaching experience, I believe that the core of education is love. I love each of my students as my own child. I love sharing my knowledge with them. I love seeing them grow physically and mentally.  Each small step they make forward is a huge motivation to me to stand firmly on my position and do better. That is the power of hope in a seed that someday will grow into a tall tree. That is the reason why I value and enjoy every moment being with them.

It is my great honor to work on this peaceful campus with a powerful team. Each child here deserves the best education. I am not as perfect as Confucius, yet I will not be tired of learning and teaching. I welcome all parents to contact me by phone 623-445-7435 or by email

Thank you very much!