• Expectations and Behavior

    o   School Wide: All District Rules will be adhered to at Canyon Springs School. Please refer to the 香港六合彩资料 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. We believe that students must treat others with the same respect with which they are treated by the adults in our school. We also believe that student’s actions, dress, possessions, etc., must not cause a problem for themselves or anyone else.

               *Please see Canyon Springs Behavior Referral Flowchart in Student Handbook.
    Canyon Springs Wolves are collaborative, innovative, and inspirational leaders in the 21st century and we:
                   Will Work together
                Seek Opportunities for growth
                   Will Lead with Integrity 
                   Will Value others
                   Will Engage in learning 
             Will be Safe 


    All Settings





    Arrival/Dismissal/ Transitions in the Breezeway

    We Work Together

    -We do not cause problems for ourselves or others

    -Follow class mission

    -Work positively with others

    -Respect the privacy of others

    -Include everyone

    -Take turns

    -Clean up

    -Listen to all adults


    -Model positive behavior

    -Respect other’s personal space

    We Seek Opportunities for Growth

    -Always do our best

    -Show compassion for others

    -Follow directions from adults

    -Persevere (keep trying)

    -Follow teacher directions

    -Quietly and quickly use the restroom

    -Share ideas

    -Make friends

    -Be responsible for our actions


    -Model respectful behavior with others


    -Demonstrate positive virtues

    -Appreciate the bulletin boards and posters

    We Lead with Integrity

    -We take ownership of our actions

    -Clean-up trash if we see it

    -Lead by example

    -Demonstrate diligence  

    -Respect the facilities

    -Leave the bathroom clean

    -Be a positive role model

    -Be a problem solver

    -Use kind words

    -Use inside, respectful voices

    -Use appropriate language

    -Use manners

    -Respect school property

    -Be helpful

    We Value Others

    -Care for others

    -Respect school grounds

    -Value the learning of others

    -Listen to and support others

    -Always use kind words

    -Wash our hands

    -Clean any spills


    -Play nicely

    -Listen to adults

    -Listen for the whistle

    -Respect all people

    -We only eat our food

    -Use appropriate language

    -Walk quietly

    We Engage in Learning

    -Be prepared and ready to learn in all situations


    -Complete work on time

    -Be courageous

    -Use a pass

    -Sign in/out of class to use restroom

    -Collaborate with old and new friends

    -Stay Seated

    -Raise our hands to ask permission to get up

    -Be on time and prepared for class


    We are Safe

    -Be aware of others

    -Notify an adult of an unsafe situation

    -Keep hands/feet to ourselves

    -Keep our area clean

    -Walk in all areas

    -Report damages or messes

    -Electronic devices are left in classrooms

    -Keep hands/feet to selves

    -Use equipment wisely

    -Stay in designated areas

    -Walk in and out of the cafeteria in an orderly fashion

    -Keep hands/ feet to selves

    -Walk on campus

    -Stay on the sidewalks

    -Walk bikes on campus

    -Stay to our right

    * Check/empty child's folder DAILY 
    * NO TOYS in class unless required for assignments. 
    * Behavior expectations will follow Canyon Springs Behavior Referral Flowchart